Lottery Application Opens: Monday, February 10th @ 12:00am
Lottery Application Closes: Sunday, February 16th @ 11:59pm
Lottery Results Posted: Tuesday, February 18th

Lottery Qualification:
- Only one (1) application per household. If you will be living in, and/or renting the property with another person, please list them on the application as a household member, but only fill out one (1) single application. Application is to be completed by primary applicant, adding information about household members as requested.
- You must work 30+ hours per week within, and in service to, Summit County to qualify to rent at this property. This qualification must be met by at least one individual intending to own this property. This employment status must be active at the time of application and ongoing throughout the length of the lease.
- Income Limit: Gross annual household income is below 80% AMI limit based on actual household size.

Total Lottery Entries
- +1 entry for the general lottery
Lottery Process Information:
- Applicants will be notified, via email, of eligibility and lottery number prior to the actual lottery.
- Lottery applications that are not complete at the deadline of February 16th, 2025 at 11:59PM will not be entered into the lottery.
- The lottery results will be posted on February 18th, 2025. The lottery will be electronic and hosted by a third-party, approved vendor. Results will be posted at the top of this listing.
- A full Rental Eligibility Application & determination will be required of the top 30 lottery winner 3 days after SCHA invites them to apply. In anticipation of the possibility of any applicant(s) not meeting full eligibility or choosing not to enter into a rental agreement when it’s their opportunity to do so, the number of those who move on to the full application will be greater than the number of units available.
To anticipate the required documents to be submitted at time of Full Eligibility Determination & Application, review Step 3 found HERE.
Full Rental Eligibility Process Information:
Full Rental Eligibility Applications will collect information and documentation from applicant households to determine if the household meets the parameters of the restrictive covenant (deed restriction) for Residence at Granite Park.
- Approved entry into the lottery does not imply an approval of the Rental Eligibility Application & determination.
- Lottery winners who are eligible, per the full application, will then be contacted in the order of lottery selection for the opportunity to enter a rental agreement.
- If an applicant’s information is found to be false, the application will be removed from the lottery process.
- OMNI will reach out to all qualified applicants (those who have obtained a CRA), in the order listed per the lottery results, to secure their desired rental home. OMNI will manage the initial lease.
- Fortunato will be the Property Manager and HOA Manager.
- Move ins will occur as early as March 1, 2025 and flexibility to be as late as April 2025
- Applicants remaining on the list will remain as the waitlist is created.
- For any rental related questions please reach out to OMNI directly.